Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 52

She was not supposed to be, for he and I
were completely one
She came into our lives, an unexpected spring breeze
in February's cold darkness
With a light like none I'd known before,
she filled our hearts with the pureness of new love

Through her eyes, we became more completely one
Though now with hearts opened to hers
We became more than we could have without her

She came to us, as spring turned to summer
But bleak October, with its barren trees
took her from us
In the wake of that loss, I find my love adrift

I cling to him for comfort, for solace
And find it, as always, unfailing and strong
I am not alone, despite my loss
Our love is more because of hers

Still, I ache for a future that glimmers like
that cold February day we met
Her kisses on my lips are bittersweet
Filled with promise, but also the past we cannot recover

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