Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 67

Can you love someone who doesn't know herself?
I struggle to convince myself the feelings were
As mistaken as she about what she wants
About who she is

It was her dream that we should be the three
Her vision that led to a fateful journey
Where our lives changed in irrevocable ways
The love found seemed pure and true

Her love was like a puzzle piece
That appeared to fit effortlessly into our lives
She melded into my arms, into my heart
That first night, I knew her to be his and mine

But she was wrong about her dreams of three
Or maybe just wrong about him and I
And the piece she added to our puzzle was
A forced fit that determined our fate from the start

Under a blanket of anguish and anger, my love lingers
The pain of it is physical, a heavy ache in my chest
He tells me without words that he will love me enough
To heal the wounds she left behind... and him I can believe in.

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