Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 69

Our beloved Arthur... truly the Wonder Dog. He was so smart and so good. He wanted nothing more than to make us happy - and this was true right until the end when, after barely being able to work up the strength to move his head, he got up on his own to take one final ride in the car. Few things made Arthur as happy as a ride in a car. We took him with us on many journeys and in the nine years he was with us, he visited 22 states with us. He had a wanderlust that we shared with him.

He was such a beautiful dog. When he was happy, he smiled. He had this big, open grin. I know it probably sounds silly to some, but when Arthur was really happy, the smile gave it away. That and the thumping, frantically wagging tail, which was known to sweep things off a coffee table more than once. He was so gently and sweet, but particular about the people he loved. He also really liked my friends Morgan and Kathleen, both of whom visited our apartment in NYC and met him there.

There really are no words to accurately convey what a loss this is for us. Nine years could never have been enough, but they were a full and happy nine years. I know we did right by him, and I know he loved us as much as we loved him.

I find myself doubting, or feeling guilty about things. I guess maybe that's normal. Did I do enough? Was I a good enough "mom" to him? Flashy follows me everywhere. I always tried to make sure I still gave Arthur enough attention - because Flash makes sure he gets it, and Arthur was never that pushy. I love them both dearly, for different reasons and for similar ones. I think Arthur knew that I loved him... even after Flashy joined us.

I know it was time... he fought what was probably a brain tumor, and he fought valiantly. My sweet, brave Arthur... I stayed with him at the end, and whispered to him for hours before that. I will always miss him and love him. He was an amazing dog, and we were lucky to share our lives with him.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. 
~Dylan Thomas

Arthur, The Wonder Dog
Good night, sweet prince... ~Shakespeare
06.14.00 ~ 04.18.10

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