Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 38

Dear Mother Nature,

Hi. Listen, about the weather... yes, I know I live at 9,000 feet. I recognize that it is December in the Rockies. I expect cold days, even especially cold days. However, it's been over a week now. Over a week where Every. Single. Day. has been below zero at some point is ridiculous. It is eight below. EIGHT. That is very cold. VERY. Do you hear me? It's really fucking cold!

I do not live in Minnesota or Alaska. I am not saying either of these places are bad places to live... but they expect it to be fucking cold. In Colorado, winter goes like this. We get snow. It melts in a day or less because it's sunny and reasonably warm during the day. At night, it may be very cold, but not usually below ZERO.

Look, I don't know if you've heard about this thing called global warming, but uh... IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS COLD. Damn it.

My poor dogs go outside and their little feet are so cold they come in limping with ice balls stuck to their little feet from the snow that can't MELT BECAUSE IT IS SO DAMN COLD!!!!

I'm sure you're very busy and all (see the aforementioned global warming thing), but when you get around to it (SOON), please give us some nice, warm weather. I'm not talking crazy warm... I'll settle for the freakin' forties by day.

Okay. That's all. Thanks.


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