Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 43

My heart is light
but full of love
I dance below the starry sky
A moment memorized
captured forever in a photograph
that cannot do it justice

I am theirs
and they are mine
Whether forever or for a moment
I will savor
What I am given
I will take what I am offered

Asking few questions
Living in the moment, as it is all there is
I take away from each minute spent
with them, in their arms
A part of myself that is fulfilled
In ways I dared not dream

I take a chance to love
as completely as possible
to be loved wholly
not for who I could be
but for who I am right now

So I give wholly of myself
this moment is theirs
to cherish with me forever
I hold little back and release my fears
surrender them to the winter wind
that blows softly around me

I love them
Never must forget they love me
And simply want to see me smile

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